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I created Aura Body in the midst of the pandemic right after I had my daughter in 2020. Initially I only offered products (those that know, know), after I made and sold my skincare products for about a year or so I said to myself, "I think I should add services to what I already have going on." I then carried myself to esthetician school and in June 2021 I officially became a licensed esthetician in the state of Florida. My estie journey has been very fulfilling! From starting with only having the intentions of offering facial services to falling into Brazilian waxing. FOR THE MOMENT, I am only offering waxing  and vagacial services.


I am currently in the process of fully rebranding and I am so excited for this change because with my journey thus far I've learned and grown so much. I truly enjoy restoring confidence in those who I serve. Those who have been serviced by me can agree it's more than just a self care appointment; it's an informational session.


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Aura Body & Co.

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